If you want to be accepted by those around you, you have to behave in certain ways. Obviously, you should still be yourself, but there are certain social ‘rules’ people should abide by, like avoiding these 17 behaviors that make people think less of you.
Gossiping about people
Nothing erodes trust among peers more than gossiping about people! It shows that you are willing to speak badly about other people behind their backs but won’t complain to their faces. When a person develops a reputation as a gossiper, this can have long-lasting effects on how people think about them.
Disrespecting others
The University of Iowa describes disrespectful behavior as exclusion, verbal abuse, physical intimidation, and generally uncivil behavior. It can damage relationships and decrease trust and cooperation, and any type of disrespectful behavior will inevitably lead people to think less of you. Just be nice; it’s not that hard!
Spreading negativity
Complaining all the time can spread negative feelings and lower the morale of people around you–that doesn’t sound very fun, does it? Naturally, a consistent focus on the negative can lead people to see you as disagreeable and inflexible, thinking less of you or even avoiding you completely.
Being arrogant
An arrogant attitude can create barriers in relationships, making others feel as though you don’t respect them but only value yourself. This kind of attitude can also hinder personal and professional growth by closing off opportunities to learn from others, so it’s a lose-lose!
Invading personal space
Standing too close when having a conversation with someone or sitting too close when there is plenty of space is just inconsiderate. It will cause discomfort when it’s just not necessary, and when the other person speaks up, it’ll make you uncomfortable, too! Let’s all just give each other some personal space.
Poor hygiene
Poor personal hygiene can negatively affect social and professional interactions. It’s embarrassing for people when they notice poor hygiene from the other person, and they’ll immediately feel less of you. Bad hygiene can also be bad for health, but it’s not hard to solve – just take care of yourself!
Always being late
Being late is downright disrespectful; it’s rude behavior that shows that you think your time is more important than anyone else’s. The Guardian notes that this may not be the case and that someone may not be tardy intentionally, but it’s still going to make people think less of you.
Being overly critical
Being overly critical can cause people to dislike you. It creates a negative environment that pushes others away, giving them feelings of anxiety and stress. Often, people deal with criticism by ignoring the person who is criticizing and pulling away from the relationship, so keep your criticism to a minimum!
Bad table manners
Good table manners are important in social and professional settings, as most people look down upon behaviors like messy eating, chewing with your mouth open, and talking with your mouth full. Table manners make a surprisingly big first impression, so bear this in mind if you want people to think of you highly!
Being judgmental
Being judgmental only serves to narrow our perspectives and limit our understanding of other people’s circumstances. Judgmental attitudes can also strain relationships and discourage open communication, as nobody wants to talk to someone with an attitude like that; they’re afraid they’ll be judged!
Setting healthy boundaries is important in any relationship, and respecting and maintaining those boundaries is even more important. A classic way to overstep boundaries is to overshare, which Forbes describes as “disclosing an excessive or inappropriate amount of personal information.” Naturally, this makes people uncomfortable, especially in the workplace!
Frequent interruptions
If you’re constantly interrupting people, you’re disrupting their natural flow of conversation, frustrating any other people involved. Interrupting others can be perceived as rude and disrespectful, as it seems like you think your words are more important than what the other person is saying.
Angry behavior
It’s always important to control our tempers to maintain good professional and personal relationships. It won’t be surprising to hear that inappropriate displays of anger can create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation. This inability to manage your emotions will only make people think less of you, so try to calm down!
Not acknowledging your mistakes
A refusal to apologize and acknowledge wrongdoings can hinder personal growth and prevent you from learning from your mistakes. If one does not acknowledge what they have done wrong, they can’t fix it, so it’s important to always acknowledge and apologize if you want to build relationships and maintain trust.
Being intolerant
Acting like you are better than other people or somehow more deserving is a surefire way to make people think less of you. It’s important to be tolerant and sensitive to other cultures, lifestyles, and beliefs, as everyone is different! Showing intolerance will inevitably lead to social exclusion, harming your reputation.
If you want to make people think less of you, start by name-dropping, which is perceived as a shallow attempt to impress people. According to CNBC, it’s far more important to be seen building respect through genuine connections; using famous names to make you sound cool will just make you look insecure.
Being distracted when people are talking
Last but not least, being distracted when in conversation with people can hinder the ability to build friendships, even if it’s not intentional. Try your best to be fully present and engaged during conversations to show respect and interest because otherwise, people may feel ignored and think less of you.
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